How to prepare for sex. Preparation for sex tutorial

The human body has to be physiologically prepared for sex. This is related with psychological-physiological reactions, which go on in the man’s and woman’s bodies before sex, while playfully teasing each other and playing delicate love games. These reactions then create the best conditions for optimal intercourse.

How to prepare for sex. Preparation for sex tutorial

Men get sexually excited because of outer stimulations. Seeing, hearing and sniffing his beloved makes the blood flood into the man’s private parts, which creates an erection. At the same time the man’s face and neck skin redden, his breathing becomes more often, the arterial pressure rises, muscles tense and eye pupils widen. To get a man sexually aroused the woman should try to stimulate four energetic zones of the man’s body:

  1. The jaw. It’s quite probably one of the most visible signs of manhood. If the woman focuses on the jaw by delicately rubbing it with her fingers, touching it with her lips, maybe even softly biting it (if it’s ok with the man), she will reach the maximum comfort and confidence of the man. This will make him feel more relaxed, which will loosen the tension in his muscles and open all routes to creativity. It’s a good idea for the woman to lean towards the man and create pressure using her own body. The weight of his beloved upon him will surely make the man even more aroused.
  2. The inner side of the thighs. This is a very surprising spot even for men. Try to surprise him by slowly leaving his jaw and going down near his thighs. Start rubbing the area from the knees up to the private area and then back down. Expect a very disorientated look followed by a smile of pleasure in the man’s face. Tickling the inner thighs may be a good or bad idea, depending on the character of the man. If he’s very sensitive to tickling, try to avoid this. It may even cause losing the excitement. If the man likes tickling and is not very sensitive, he may start tickling you back, leading to further love games.
  3. The forearm. Ever notice, how a man reacts even to the slightest touch on the inner side of the forearm? It’s because of the huge concentration of nerves in that area. Be very careful with this spot! Too much attention here can cause serious damage to further passion of the man (he could just start feeling soft and not as much confident as before). But practice makes perfect, and after a few tries and experimenting you will find the exact amount of attention and tension needed for this area.
  4. The lower back. And by ‘lower’ I mean ‘the lowest’. Find the spot right above the crack of his rear. It sounds strange, but just test it. Use soft circular movements around that area. Be as gentle as you can. Your fingers have to barely touch his skin. Be patient and you’ll notice quite an interesting effect.

A sexually aroused woman’s face and neck skin also redden, breathing becomes more often, pressure rises, more blood flow into the breasts, vagina and womb.

That’s the reason why the mammary gland’s (located near the nipples) and the areola’s (the brown area around the nipple) size increases. These areas become very sensitive.

There are a lot more ways to get a woman excited. Her body is a much more complicated creation than his, but this isn’t a bad thing. There is no point to stress out the fact that women are mysterious and lovable creatures. Therefore, each one is unique in their own special way. Each woman has her own ‘special spot’. However, there are areas of the body, which are begging to be touched. I’ll give a few examples:

Sweet talk. Yes, you can be amazed how simple words can affect a woman. Try talking soft, gentle, caring words to her. Even better, whisper them into her ear. Sweet talking is a great way to turn on your lady.

Lower back. Yes, it works on men, it works on ladies. And even more. Although, some women don’t like being touched too much in this area. The sensation soon becomes irritating tickling, but healthy ‘dozes’ of attention to this part will work surely.

Belly. Now this is tricky, but very effective. The belly is a private part of a woman’s body, but not as intimate. But you can raise the intimacy by going lower and lower. That’s the ‘tricky’ part, because you have to be sure you’ve aroused your lady to the point she will let you go lower her bikini line. Powerful weapons for this area: lips and finger tips. As with any part of the woman’s body, be as gentle as you can. Remember: woman = delicate. Patience is a true value in this situation. Don’t worry, you will be awarded greatly.

Breast and nipples. Now this is what all men are waiting for. The symbol of all women. Therefore it requires the most attention. And by that I mean making sure you’re taking care of it, not squeezing and biting like a maniac. Attention means being everywhere: the nipples, area around the nipples, the bottom of the breast, etc. Try experimenting different techniques on one breast, then the other. As strange as this may seem, but sometimes women like different sensations being caused to their breasts. One may be more intrigued by gentle nipple biting, the other – by smooth touching, barely feeling your fingers. When you’ll get the feel of what’s best and turns on your lady the most, you will reach a wonderful experience for both.

Sex is not only putting in and drawing out, going back and forth. It is a whole experience that starts from simple words. Goes through hours of arousing and playful teasing. By paying attention to your partner’s needs and showing him or her that you care about how they feel, you will reach maximum trust in each other, meaning full body relaxation and, most importantly, great sex. And this is how to prepare for sex.


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