Giving women oral sex. How to pleasure your lady with oral sex

Giving women oral sex. Please your lady and you will be greatly rewarded

Hey guys! Did you ever have the misfortune to see your beloved bored in bed? Maybe you already heard a few fake ‘Ahh’s’? Or did you just notice she’s practically reading a magazine or talking to her friend on the phone, while you struggle to get her attention? Well, you should have known that just by having old boring vaginal sex you won’t go far. Forget it! By satisfying only your own needs you’ll lose your girl for sure. Try a different approach and surprise her with… Oral sex!

Giving women oral sex. How to pleasure your lady with oral sex

Yes, put aside your opinion that only women have to satisfy men with oral sex. Keep in mind, that most women stop receiving orgasms from ordinary sex as time passes. If not, then the orgasms surely weaken and become barely noticeable. Sex is not just a routine. It combines love, passion and understanding of both partners. Oral sex is one of the most magical things you can do for your lady. So if you want to please her like never before, show that you love her, that you’re more passionate that she thought you are and that you understand what she wants… Do this:

  1. Start using your lips at her belly. This is needed to build up the anticipation. If she doesn’t expect oral sex, that’s even better. Get a glimpse of her face: you will see that excited and confused look in her eyes, asking the question “are you really going to do this?”, as you slowly slide down.
  2. If her panties are still on – remove them! Keep moving down slowly but confidently. Start using your tongue along with your lips. Make sure you get it everywhere, but be gentle. If you feel a small struggle, but no words – keep moving. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t want it. It just means you’re doing a good job of arousing her. That’s just the way a woman’s body reacts to something she likes. Remember – women are shy.
  3. By now your lady should be excited as never before. Women love seeing their men between their legs. Try to make eye contact as much as possible. At the same time lick all around her vagina, but don’t touch it just yet. Building anticipation and excitement is key! Notice the reactions of her body. Look out for barely noticeable shaking – that’s your goal. When you reach it, you can suck into those lips.
  4. The last step is to be creative. Lick, kiss, touch. Use your tongue to tickle her clitoris. Go inside her vagina and explore there. Experiment with slow, fast, circular, ‘up and down’ techniques. Do whatever it takes to reach her orgasm. For that you’ll need a lot of patience and practice. Most importantly – pay attention to your lady’s reactions to your actions and keep everything in mind, so that next time you can ‘lick it’ to perfection.

Remember men: it’s not all about you. If you want oral sex – you have to give oral sex. Please your lady and you will be greatly rewarded. Good luck!


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